Preschool is the age where academics isn’t necessarily the main goal for most schools, but rather socialization and schedule (unlike Rock Foundation). Preschool children are ages 4-6, depending on when they were born and when parents feel they are ready to begin. Some parents purposefully wait a year between children to give their kids room from one another, and some try to get them the earliest start they can because they are ready to learn. So, if children are a passion of yours and you think that you would be able to meet their education and growth needs within these ages, you may ask what degrees are necessary to teach preschool level.
Understanding State Requirements.
Each state will have their own requirements, but for the state of Indiana, preschool is teachable with a bachelor’s degree. It is recommended and preferred that this degree be in early child development. There are also other programs such as early childhood studies, and teacher education courses. It is never a bad idea to continue with your own education and gather a masters degree on top of this, as it will only help your chances and experience. As it stands now, a teaching certification from this age group and level is not necessary. If you wish to move up in teaching levels, a certificate will be needed for higher grades.
It is also possible to have a bachelor’s in a related school topic and then continue to get a teaching certification by working under another teacher for a set amount of time and passing the certified test. Master’s degrees can help the certificate process even more, and doctorates are usually only required for teaching at a college level. The necessary degrees for teaching preschool can be varied. So, speak with local teacher and administrators to see how they acquired their education and positions in order to understand the norm for your state and county. Just like different states, different counties or school boards can have different regulations for the educational systems within their boundaries, and you will need to adhere to these in order to be hired in the area you are hoping to.
Most preschools also want to see a general history of working with children. Teachers and caregivers are thoroughly screened, and they need to make sure they are making the best decision for the children within their administration. They want to see positive work in classroom experience, such as working in daycares or a teachers aid in another school. Even something as small as positive feedback from parents within a Sunday school can help with the credibility of teaching and handling a group of young children.
It may sound like a lot, but the degrees necessary to teach preschool are no less than four-year degrees that require child psychology and the understanding of a child’s brain and learning capabilities in order to start.
If the degrees for teaching preschool isn’t interesting, but you are still wanting to work within a facility, then you may consider an administrative roll rather than a teaching one. Most administrators require a bachelors in administrational sciences. As an administrator for the school, you would be responsible for all aspects, such as; hiring, managing, and the supervising of staff members, establishing and upholding educational standards and programs, know and adhere to state guidelines for children and staff ratio, work with parents and students to ensure a positive learning experience in school and at home. Administrators usually require a decent background in child education or child administration in order to become assistant principal, principal, or super intendant. Just like with teaching, knowing your school board and who you would be working with, or under, is always good when trying to prepare for a position.