Frequently Asked Questions
If you do not find the answer to your question below, please contact us. We would love to help get the information you need.
What are your hours?
Our hours are 6 am- 6 pm, but we try our best to be flexible to accommodate working parents’ needs. If you have a question, please contact us
What ages are you currently enrolling?
We are currently enrolling ages two through five. Childcare for younger children will be available soon.
Does my child need to be potty trained?
No, we can work together with parents for potty training.
Do I have to be a member of the church to enroll my child?
You do not have to be a member of New Vision of Life church to attend. All children are welcome to attend our school.
What makes your program special?
We teach young children reading and math skills to help them develop good learning habits at an early age. A typical 5 year old at our school has an extensive vocabulary, is able to count to 100 and can do basic addition.
Do you provide food?
Yes, we provide breakfast, lunch, and two snacks each day with no extra charge.
Do you offer part-time childcare?
Yes, please contact us for more details.
Are you open all year round?
Yes, we only close on the major holidays including New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Our goal is to serve working parents. When parents need to go to work, we are here to serve you; snow or shine.